Introducing Solthenticate

2 min readJan 30, 2022

Solthenticate is built to eradicate fraudulent schemed projects on Solana through our intense verification phase to verify project creators and prevent rug pulls. With Solthenticate, investors can acquire crypto assets with the full details of the project and knowledge of the developers’ intentions therefore avoiding blind investment.

Why Solthenticate?

The Solana ecosystem just like any space in the crypto world with over five figure unique signers daily is bound to have fraudulent projects slithering around, there therefore needs a validating body.

After a project is authenticated, the full description of the project, community status, market information and social links would be on our website, they would also earn a certification badge.

Our intense verification process would help filter out swindlers thereby helping solthenticated members decide on which project to invest in. If there is any case of rug pull by a solthenticated project (which in no case would take place), all solthenticated members who invested in such project would be compensated.

Solthenticate Offers

  • Knight wallet: Solthenticate offers the first reserve wallet on Solana; Knight wallet would not be connectable to public unverified DApps hence, it is free from wallet draining smart contracts.
  • Verified projects interface: A special interface where everyone can see all solthenticated projects and request for screening of new projects.
  • Well streamlined form to help project developers/questioners give out tasks and sort out replies as well as help airdrop/questionee answer and complete tasks with ease.
  • Full anti rug-pull assurance, compensation on rare rug-pull cases, red flag warnings and airdrop alerts.

How Solthenticate Works

We advise that users only invest only in verified projects but we would have spies across every Solana based project (verified or unverified), these spies would notify solthenticated members (members holding the official Solthenticate NFT) of suspicious actions on different projects.

If there is a case of a rugpull by a verified project (which would most likely not happen), affected solthenticated members would be airdropped 10% of CATE tokens available in the wallet at the time of the occurrence.

Of course, this is just the beginning. We want to hear from you. Join the conversation on our Discord, Telegram, or Twitter and share that amazing idea!

